"Christopher M. Kelty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> dude, did you fail your english lit class or something?

Nope. Got excellent grades in all my humanities classes, though I'll
admit that I did it by studying the professors rather than studying
the material. Most professors in the humanities do not like having
their ideas questioned, so you get the best grades when you feed their
prejudices back to them in your essays.

I also enjoy reading good literature. I got a taste for it because of
humanities classes, in fact.

> I've never seen so much resentment in one post.

It isn't resentment. Just plain speaking. Without engineers, there
would be literal mass starvation and worse. Without science, we would
mostly die before 30. Without the study of Derrida, there would be no
obvious harm to society.

(I prefer a society in which people actively read for enjoyment, which
I think does benefit society, but that has very little to do with the
academic humanities world, where professors of English pretend to be
sociologists and economists.)

By the way, there are academics in the humanities I respect -- they're
just not in the majority.

> Sorry for being such a parasite on society.

Hey, I didn't claim to be exposed to the same market forces as
engineers. I'd have kept my mouth shut if that hadn't been broached.


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