On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 8:43 PM, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Political correctness in too many media result in the refusal to acknowledge
> that Pakistan the nation of pure Muslims formed purely for Islam now has a
> problem with the religion of peace. The news at this moment says a suicide
> bomber killed 60 people in Islamabad. Yestreday Shias wre killed by a suicide
> bomber outside a hospital.

a glance into history shows that intolerance inside islam is not
new... Aurangazeb was famed for his intolerance of not only hinduism
among other religions but also atrocities towards sufism, especially
non-sunnis, dawoodi bohras, executing a sikh guru, the list is long
and exhaustive.

> Pakistan is not a state that is stable and nobody is taking the demands of
> Pakistan the state very seriously except for its propensity to cause violence
> and mayhem. With Pakistan itself being relegated to the third division, the
> feelings of the people of Kashmir don't count for much to anyone who matters.

That the original kashmiri has long ago been replaced by militant
terrorists is evident in the recent pak backed unrest and
murder[1][2], not withstanding terror links[3]across india, nor the
elite intellectualism[4] of Vir, who pales in comparison to
yester-years erudite defence analyst K.Subrahmanyam.

[3] http://www.hindu.com/2008/08/17/stories/2008081758850800.htm
[4] http://www.hindu.com/2008/08/23/stories/2008082355541100.htm

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