On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This has the makings of a[nother] monster thread.

That's the mailing list equivalent of the sign that says "jump off the
cliff here for wonderful view". I will bite of course :-) Most of this
is stuff that I know I can do; because having impossible dreams just
eats me up. However there is no guarantee that I will get to do any of
them, you know the vagaries of life and all that jazz.

1. Cross the ALCAN[0] in an RV - time: 1 month; Cost: $$$
2. Pack my unread books and take a reading vacation - time: 2 months; cost: $$$
3. Pack my laptop and take a writing vacation in the country, many
book ideas in head - time: 6 months; cost: $$$
4. Fit back into my old college jeans[1] (making time for this one
whether I have it or not) - time: 1-2 years; cost: $$
5. Learn sanskrit and the Upanishads - time: 3-5 years; cost: $$
6. Volunteer with a charity or foundation that helps children to read
- time: 6 months-1 year; cost: $$$
7. Backpack in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and South America. -
time: 3 months each; cost: $$$
8. Settle down in an island [2] or in the hills [3] - time: 15 years;
cost: $$$$$
9. Live and work in all continents of the world. - time: 15 years; cost: $$$$
10. Jump off a plane, preferably intentionally - time: 3 months; cost: $$$

Nah, I'll never get to these:

1. A PhD in the anthropology of Iyers
2. Participate in the Olympics

But I will probably get to a highly diluted equivalent. For example,
I'd be happy to settle for a medal in a half way serious affair like a
district / state level competition.


[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Highway
[1] Borrowing Udhay's - sounds nicer than lose xx kilos
[2] The current list includes Sri Lanka and Hawaii. No, SG, AU and HK
don't even count. NZ might just qualify.
[3] The hills of NE India are tempting, but not realistic IMO. What
would be great is to find an island with hills. Yes, that's one reason
NZ qualifies.

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