I had a Muslim friend who was a film journalist. He absolutely detested meat
and was an ardent vegetarian - no love for Biryani - would hide even on days
of Eid and festivals, not wanting to eat meat. I eat vegetarian food because
of health reasons and because of the fact that the meat manufactured poultry
industry is as good as eating hash. This is not to say that vegetables are
not laden with pesticides and GM seeds.
What you eat is both a cultural preference and a personal one.
Vegetarianism, the way it is spoken of in various discourses and practices,
is laden with overtones of morality. I find this problematic.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 8:08 AM, Suresh Ramasubramanian
> <sur...@hserus.net> wrote:
> > Forget single. Get the gujjus out of mumbai and you'd probably have a
> better Mumbai than most (no wonder a creep like Modi is in power in Gujarat
> - they have a CM they deserve)
> Assuming that you are not trolling, how is this statement of branding
> the whole community any different than branding the Muslim community
> as fomentors of terrorism. The Gujarathi community (like the Parsee
> community) has been an integral part of Mumbai for several years.
> Stripping them out of Mumbai would make it lose it's character (what
> no dandiya ?). Mumbai would not be the same without the
> entrepreneurial spirit of the Gujarathi.
> > Mahatma Gandhi is a long forgotten concept there. Greed, hypocrisy, crude
> hatred etc etc - the entire state of Gujarat is a danger to modern India, as
> its people's minds have been indoctrinated to religious hatred.
> The same can be said of the Congress as well. MG is only remembered
> when naming roads in any city or putting up statues.
> -- Vinayak
> (Who loves Gujarathi food - undhiyu, thepla etc and realizes his
> friends are muslim only due to awesome meat-based cuisine they have -
> Find me one person who doesn't love biryani :)

Zainab Bawa
Ph.D. Student and Independent Researcher

Between Places ...

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