But no one's apologizing to me for the fact that steak is so delicious, damn
it! And don't even get me started on the wonder that is bacon...

And no one's apologizing to the person that may worship phallic objects who
is horrified at the treatment of carrots and cucumbers...  (although I
suppose that now impugns sausage)...

But possibly as a result of lesser demand, beef is cheaper here (by quite a
bit) than it is in the US. So the economist in me doesn't want to talk
anyone out of vegitarianism.

(I am trying to infuse some levity here, so please take it in that spirit. I
do acknowledge the ethical and ecological virtues of veg.)

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Zainab Bawa <bawazaina...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The other issue is also that I am made to feel apologetic about choosing to
> eat meat. That makes me feel worse!

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