On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On a slightly different tangent
> What I find very interesting is the differentiation in discrimination
> of different kinds in the media. For example, I see the reservation
> policies followed by the current congress government/short-lived VP
> Singh (though BJP / third front aren't any better - they are probably
> worse) as damaging to society as much as the
> Godhra/Kandamal/Anti-sikh/Anti-UP riots in
> Gujarat/Orissa/Delhi/Mumbai. The only difference seems that in one
> case the effect of discrimination are more longer term and less
> visible (gory sequences of beating up people / burning up shops makes
> more compelling viewing than students missing better opportunities for
> better education). Also one is mostly class-based / caste based rather
> than religion-based.

Isnt the media (probably the world-over) only concerned about the
upswing in ratings and advertising revenues than digging out the
truth, a tedious job at best.  A student not realizing his dream of
being a doctor because a reservation category student with lesser
marks than him made the grade is just not juicy enough to activate
outpourings of sympathy.


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