On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Zainab Bawa <bawazaina...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  What makes you believe that Muslims
> shy away from capitalism?

True, and there's also that matter of the bazzillions we pay to Muslim
businessmen for oil (granted not in India, but remember that 17 of the 19
terrorists to whom 9/11 is attributed were Saudi Arabian). The west in
particular has made them some of the richest people in the world.

And to be honest, the west (and the US) has meddled extensively in that
region, mostly to dire results (not to mention counter to the values of
democracy and freedom that we ought to be prosetylizing in the world).

But that's just because they had the gall to be sitting on top of OUR oil!
(to be said in a Texan accent to best suitably mock those in American
businessmen who thought that way... who probably also ate a lot of steak,
but I doubt that was the root cause of their "moral flexibility").

Ask Salvador Allende what happens when you try to get in the way of our
bauxite! I don't know if George Washinton, Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin
would have approved.

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