On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Zainab Bawa <bawazaina...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > And also, I am not an advocate of regulations to curb discrimination. As
> has been pointed out in some of the postings, biases and prejudices are
> very
> deep seated. Applying regulations can be counter-productive in the sense of
> increasing the antagonism. Neither do I believe that the market will solve
> the problem. Some pretty radical dislocations are required i.e. traditions
> and paradigms that challenge the hegemonic beliefs of religion, identity
> and
> property.


I'd be interested to know what you think the source of these dislocations is
going to be. I can think of religious reform movements like Arya Samaj or
Brahmo Samaj (both of which have lost their iconoclasm by now), and new
public institutions. Are you thinking of the same things or something
completely different?

Aadisht Khanna
Address for mailing lists: aadisht.gro...@gmail.com
Personal address: aadi...@aadisht.net

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