On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Bonobashi <bonoba...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> (ii) Why cannot the voters' id card be left to be issued only to those who 
> have no other id?

I'd prefer ONE Indian Card which will serve the purpose of a
national's identification for all social services provided by the
government. The latter however raises the question of "which"
government service is still usable by all Indians.

> (iii) Why are names systematically mangled and details botched up, not at the 
> outset, but after they have been correctly recorded in the first instance?

hmm.... dont forget that Indians take pride in their mother-tongue, so
your name (with details included) will be "correctly recorded" in the
State's local language and then transcribed to the National language
and finally when its printed in the colonial lingua franca, you'd not
recognize yourself even if your name bit your nose.


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