> You're missing the point completely. It is not that
> it is wonderful or not. The point is that the laws
> are against human rights, and if Muslim majority
> countries have realised this and replacing it with
> more modern laws,

Please be more specific. Which particular laws?
(now dont tell me - Wahi yaar Voh BJP waale loag
bol rahe the' naa...voh waale)
First of all please prove it - that voh waale laws are really against human 
Next tell me which country has replaced what law.

> why is it that a majority of Indian Muslims cling
> to them, which serve only to
> highlight the differences between the communities.

Even if we have one law governing inheritances and marriages and all other 
things, the muslims will still be muslims and the hindus will be hindus. 
Nothing will change at all.

Lets not get fooled by the BJP propaganda.
The differences were there and always will be.

The hindus can have their own personal laws and the muslims can have theirs.

> They want to be considered no different from any
> other Indian but actively seek to reinforce
> their differences.

The same can be said of any other community.
Why paint everything saffron? Let green be green.
Then we can have a rainbow country. Any problems.

> why some countries in Europe are banning
> (or have banned) the purdah and/or hijab, because it
> reinforces differences and because it does,
> it creates stereotypes, increases discrimination etc etc.

The job of all these european govts is to govern, to provide better environment 
for more jobs and better security and surely not to resort to these ridiculous 
escapades. To tell the people what shoes and scarves to wear or remove.

> The end result being that the Muslim
> community takes longer to integrate into the
> greater whole or doesn't at
> all.

Do the chinese or african or indians or jews or white people who migrate to 
other countries integrate into those new societies?

Why is it, that - it's the muslims who are required to do it all the time?

Even before 1952 indian muslims were muslims. Why do you want them to integrate 
into the greater whole?

Let me quote again the same lines here ---->>>
> The end result being that the Muslim
> community takes longer to integrate into the
> greater whole or doesn't at
> all.

As long as one holds an indian passport he is my fellow countryman. He wears a 
burkha or a steel drum or a loin cloth is not my concern. He worships himself 
or some invisible gods or anything is again not my concern.

The muslim community need not integrate and the BJP need not differentiate. 
Just leave them alone. The muslims of india will soon get national ID cards and 
so will the others. The citizenship cannot be denied.

Lets see if we can force the govt to not have a column for *religion* in the 
national identity card.


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