2009/6/26 ss <cybers...@gmail.com>

> On Thursday 25 Jun 2009 4:57:46 pm Kiran K Karthikeyan wrote:
> >  most of Europe is moving towards banning the purdah and
> > hijab.
> IMO "most of Europe" is being stupid. It is as much of a curbing of
> personal
> freedom to ban the hijab as it is to impose it.
> I think that if Europe or any other entity have a problem with Islamic laws
> they should go after the real problem areas that are constanly used to
> create
> trouble rather than attack a strawman like the wearing of a hijab.
> Islam definitely has problem areas that are the cause of significant
> trouble.
> By picking on the hijab and holding up its banning as some kind of great
> victory for freedom. What Europe is doing is saying:
> "We have 2 kinds of people, Europeans and Muslims. Europeans don't wear the
> hijab. Muslims do" On a half serious note - why does Sarkozy figh over
> women's stete of undress. Why not ban circumcision as an imposition on the
> rights of male children?
> I don't care much for European views on islam. They are confused. Europe is
> (naturally) a product of its own history and the Crusades were fought in
> Europe. The winners of the crusades wiped most of Europe clean from islam,
> but where Islam won, it (mostly) wiped all other religions clean. I believe
> that Islam and Christianity have a "This world ain't big enough for both of
> us"  relationship with  each other (and other religions) and "Europe's"
> views
> on the hijab are a subtle reflection of that.
> India is a different ball game.

Point taken. It was only meant as an illustration, not as a recommended
solution. What is important is whether it is an expression of individual
freedom or if it is imposed  against the will of the individual.

In that respect, the rights of Muslim women under the Shariat Act are
different (and lesser) than those given to women of any other religion in
India. So perhaps Indian Muslim women should have the option of "common law"
or Shariat. But this is obviously not practical.

The only solution is to remove the Shariat completely (or modify it more in
line with common law) and it is this that is resisted by the majority.


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