On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Kiran K
Karthikeyan<kiran.karthike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would be interested to see what questions silklisters use to guage
> analytical, problem solving, and other skills when you are looking for both
> a creative and analytical profile.

Creative? Surely you are joking, Mr. Karthikeyan. That "find the
object with the defect with the fewest weighings" is a question which
any self respecting puzzle solving type should have encountered and
digested in their high school.

I tend to start with a bunch of easy questions which have well known
correct answers to break the ice and gauge the candidate's general
abilities and then dig deeper into a couple of areas with open ended
questions with not necessarily one correct answer.

'What happens when you type www.wikipedia.org?' is a great question.

Homer: Look at these low, low prices on famous brand-name electronics!
Bart:  Don't be a sap, Dad. These are just crappy knockoffs.
Homer: Pfft. I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see it. And look, there's
       a Magnetbox and Sorny.

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