On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 9:32 PM, ss <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My uncle Google tells me that Kindle currently displays only 16 shades of
> grey.
> I am a serious reader of "heavy" books and get caled to do book reviews now
> and then. For that I make *copious* notes and annotations. It that possible on
> the Kindle?

There are facilities to annotate and create notes. However, you are
limited by the keyboard that is available. The keys are tiny for
anyone who has average to large fingers (I don't!) It is possible that
you might get used to the keyboard and type as fast as you do on your
desktop keyboard (but this requires use of different set of fingers so
it might take a while).

What I really like is the feature to see popular annotations.
Sometimes, you wonder what it is that made people note a certain line.
Or be enlightened. Either way it is food for thought.

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