> I get the feeling that tens of thousands of young enthusiastic Indians have
> been "had" and taken for a ride by the "Info tech" sector. All young Indians
> join with their heads full of "Work is worship", "Duty first" stuff. If the 
> pay
> is low they soon learn that work need not be worshiped that much. But if
> salaries are insanely high - people are driven to think that they need to put
> in as much work as they think the salary is worth - or else the employer
> implies the same thing.
> Especially in India where young people have family support from parents newly
> freed from paying college fees  proudly encourage their clever baby to earn
> his gi-normous salary and fully support his busting his butt and having no
> life outside of work as an apt follow on to his 6 AM to 9 PM  tuitions
> schedule that he had before he got into  college.

Agree (nodding head vigorously). A 21-year-old girl collapsed in a
meeting for she had some gynaec issues. Another girl had low bp. And
so on. I remember a discussion where we actually considered asking for
an on-call medical help for a team of roughly 20 people, largely 21-
23-year-olds. Later, when I reported on technology I spoke to this guy
who would send all his clothes to be washed to his home in South Tamil
Nadu every week because he just didn't have time. The hefty pay packet
compensating for everything else, including no time to potter around
clotheslines, was accepted as gospel.

But the pay packet did mean financial independence. Speaking for
myself, the money I earned gave me a cushion supporting my move into
journalism. And then there's another former colleague who continues in
the same sector, working the same crazy hours, hoping someday to be an
academic. Here's hoping.

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