On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Deepak Shenoy <deepakshe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> To balance the personal with the social and familial is a tough thing
>> to do in the modern world where choices are increasingly personal
>> because the personal has a short-termist appeal to the curious.
> I can't agree with this; personal choices make for brilliant long term
> thinking. Which to me explains why, in those olden ages, people went
> off to the mountains to meditate. If you wanted to think longer term,
> you needed to get out of society which always bound you to the short
> term.

The exception does not make the rule. Soceity has never been at risk
of being over run by society shunning monks and thinkers. For most
people personal choice is a way of acting out their desires away from
the glare of social censure.

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