On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 08:37 +0530, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> This is a fun list. Please add your own discoveries here.
> Udhay
> http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/03/01/opinion/sunday/what-you-learn-in-your-40s.html

In my 20s I was learning. In my 30s I knew what I knew but was puzzled
by odd beliefs and views expressed by people seemingly more experienced,
ostensibly knowledgeable and older.

In my 40s I found confidence in myself. I got the confidence to know
where I was exactly right and where my limits lay, but often wasted time
in trying to teach others what was right.

In my 50s I realized that people have to discover some things on their
own and that unless something really needs to be said to achieve
something that I consider important, it is OK to say nothing and let
people blunder through life.

I will be 60 next year

watch this space...


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