> the above probably doesn't apply to the typical intelligent,
multi-dimensional silk lister.

Hah. It especially applies to people who think it doesn't apply to them. I
found when I first started "slowing down" that my partner and I, as much as
we love and are devoted to one another, need a certain amount of "our own"
time. That if we spend all of our time together we are less happy than if
we spend a certain amount of it apart. So we have that built in.

For me "slowing down" has meant spending more time doing fewer things but
really paying attention to the things I do.

-- Charles

On Tue, 24 Jan 2017 at 21:51 Shyam Sunder <shyam.sun...@peakalpha.com>

> Fascinating thread. I have a slightly contrarian view.
> Probably not very relevant to silklisters but I am very wary when my
> clients talk about early retirement. Not because they would put their
> financial independence at risk, but because they hugely overestimate their
> ability to fill the day with meaningful pursuits. A typical conversation
> (which occurs very frequently, I might add) would go along the lines of
> Client - I would like to explore retirement by 50.
> Shyam - Given your financial situation, it is quite likely you will be
> able to do that from a financial perspective. But what do you plan to do
> after you retire?
> Client - I really want to make time for the things I enjoy. I want to
> spend more time with the family (First red flare), travel (second red
> flare), and volunteer my time with NGOs (big third red flare) or coaching
> young professionals or start-ups
> Shyam - Great. How specific are your plans?
> Client - What do you mean?
> Shyam - Is there a specific NGO you have already been associated with? /
> Do you currently mentor start-ups or coach?
> Client - Not really. But I am sure I can easily figure that out. I mean, I
> don't want any money for it.
> I fear that the above describes someone who will wake up six months later
> with nothing to do during the day, and drives everyone around him / her up
> the wall! For someone aged 50, they need a plan that will last decades, not
> months. Their family perhaps doesn't want them hanging around all the time.
> Their life's travels can be completed in six months, and reasonably
> well-run NGOs want a volunteer who comes and wishes to
> optimize/streamline/improve the set-up like they want a bullet to the head.
> For many, work gives them identity and self-worth. My advice for someone
> without specifics is to work for as long as they can. For most people,
> there is 20% of the job that makes the remaining 80% worth it.
> Like I said at the beginning, the above probably doesn't apply to the
> typical intelligent, multi-dimensional silklister.
> Warm regards
> Shyam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: silklist [mailto:silklist-bounces+shyam.sunder=
> peakalpha....@lists.hserus.net] On Behalf Of Vijay Anand
> Sent: 24 January 2017 11:06
> To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
> Subject: Re: [silk] In praise of slowness
> "Slowing down" - the phase in life when making money is not the priority
> anymore and there is the intention to expand to other interests that have
> been at best side projects, so that they get focus.
> It seems that the more i read the viewpoints, unless and if there is a) a
> significant windfall that money isnt a big concern anymore or b) you make
> the financial planning so that  there is an insurance of sorts so that
> something doesnt take you unaware - worse put your dependents ar risk, this
> is a hard one to pull off.
> I often mind myself going back to a bookmarked linked of self-sustainable
> farms. An acre or two of land, grow what you want and get away from the
> race of making your monthly commitments, seems like a dream. BUT...
> 1. Any self sufficient farm thingerie is a lot of upfront capital - to
> cure the land, and setup things needed for substanence - food, water,
> electricity.
> 2. Given the scenario with the government where the apt definition is
> "revolutionary governance", and what holds value, suddenly goes out of it
> and land reform policies might be on the horizon, i wonder if any of the
> planning we do would be free of risks.
> 3. All said and done, to keep up with inflation we need an asset that goes
> up in value and creates liquidity over time, as agri for eg will never be a
> commercially successful enterprise (atleast at that scale). And building
> assets right now, take a lifetime in India.
> Vijay
> On Jan 24, 2017 10:54 AM, "Venkatesh H R" <hrvenkat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It is a terrific experience reading all your thoughts. To me, it
> > appears that most people, when talking about slowing down, are just
> > referring to removing clutter from their lives. It doesn't mean they
> > are actually slowing down.
> > Indeed, in some respects they might be working harder on a few aspects
> > of their life than ever before! Of course, there is a good chance I'm
> > mistaken in this assumption.
> > For what it's worth, I too am slowing down in my own way. 2012 was the
> > last time we had TV at home. And this year, I'm planning to cut down
> > significantly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. There is a
> > dynamic tension to this, because I depend on social media to
> > distribute my work and listen to others. So I will still use these -
> > but not on my mobile phone. For me, this is equivalent to slowing
> > down. I've just been reading Deep Work by Cal Newport, the Georgetown
> > Uni Computer Science Professor. And he is in praise of some radical
> > retooling of our calendars and priorities.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 12:16 AM, Venkatesh Hariharan ven...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
> > John, thanks for your hones answers. It's been enlightening to read
> > all the
> >
> > answers. Charles, I hope to be as disciplined as you, one day.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > One of the biggest tensions in my life has been between the activist
> > in me,
> >
> > who wants to change the world, and the recluse in me, who wants to run
> > away
> >
> > from the world. Currently, I work with a non profit working on
> > financial
> >
> > inclusion (www.ispirt.in & www.productnation.in). I have other
> > consulting
> >
> > gigs but the iSPIRT one has been most intense and has pretty much
> > taken
> >
> > over my calendar. I like the fact that this work contributes to a good
> >
> > cause, but there are moments when I crave intense solitude. I never
> > liked
> >
> > multi-tasking and doing too many things at the same time. I stopped
> >
> > watching TV many, many years ago... try not to spend too much time on
> >
> > Twitter and Facebook... and thoroughly hate the always-on online
> lifestyle.
> >
> > With age, I have realized that time is not money. Time is precious and
> > we
> >
> > choose to exchange it for those things that we value the most, whether
> >
> > that be taking care of our health, a walk in the park, meeting loved
> > ones,
> >
> > or reading a book. I find that there is great joy in doing things
> > slowly,
> >
> > meditatively... However, my working life has all been about cramming
> > as
> >
> > much as possible into every minute available, and doing a hundred
> > things at
> >
> > once... not complaining, but just making an observation... after all,
> > it is
> >
> > those jobs that gave me a degree of financial independence. For a
> > change, I
> >
> > want my life to be not always about efficiency, but also about beauty
> > and
> >
> > the joy of each moment. Let's see how this works out :-)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Venky
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Radhika, Y. <radhik...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > ​Thank you so much for your honesty John. Other accounts for slowing
> > > down
> >
> > > always sound like they come from wherever lotuses grow (supposedly
> > > that
> > is
> >
> > > where Vancouverites live!).
> >
> > >
> >
> > > best wishes.
> >
> > > Radhika
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > H R VenkateshTow-Knight Fellow 2016, New YorkCo-ordinator,
> > Hacks/Hackers New Delhi
> > Ph: +1 646-874-9924Twitter: @hrvenkatesh
> >

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