Both these conditions are symtoms of Candidiasis. There is much evidence in my
recent readings that this is involved in prostate conditions in men. I have
some urls. Others have posted canadida urls also. Most doctors do not believe
in it so find one that does. Email for my list of urls if you would like.

> It's Not Me wrote:
> Bruce or anyone else who knows,
> I recall seeing a post recently that stated that you should not take CS while
> zapping with a Clark type zapper.  Could you explain this to me.  I have been
> using the zapper for some type of skin parasite that the docs cannot find and
> at the same time need to be taking CS for chronic Prostatitis.  What are the
> dangers?  Also, has anyone had any experience dealing with itchy little skin
> critters.  I'm sure I caught them from my dogs who got them from killing a
> squirrel and a cat.  The vet can't find anything on scrapings, and the dog
> dips don't seem to be helping.  My dermatologist is calling my itching
> nonspecific dermatitis, but I don't think so.  I see that Bruce lists a
> frequency that kills mites, could someone point me to info on building one of
> these generators.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Vern


       Debbie McDonald

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