>Could I suggest the unthinkable as a POSSIBILITY? Not saying it is
>true.... just a mere thought....
>Could G.S.E.  actually BE an excitotoxin seeing as it causes the brain
>Secondly, I've been meaning to suggest to the list another WILD
>possibility... please forgive me if I seem rustic, but could the removal
>of silver and gold coin from circulation be a major contributing factor
>the onset of so many modern diseases? Mankind have used these for money,
>(and for very good reason), from creation till now, and now all these
>wierd diseases? I know that with WHO and nice organizations of similar
>treachery we need not necessarily have this as a cause, but is it

   It's very possible that it added to the amount of disease there is 
now. Some other things to consider. Doctors don't check for diseases 
anymore. Not only that they rely on tests like the alisa, gunderson, 
wester blot and PCR that are as reliable as flipping a coin. AND
that's the only tests that doctors rely on now. If they run one 
of thoses tests then find nothing it's PROZAC TIME. 

   Something that I posted  to the Rife list a few days ago you should
read also. Dr. Rife found that the viruses that cause cancer come from
the E-coli bacteria.  There are two and he called them the BX and BY 
virus. He found that when the E-coli bacteria was in the right medium
it produced these viruses. When in one medium it produced the BX and when
in another it produced the BY. These are the two that causes the two
different types of cancer.

   Now I'm sure you've all seen the E-coli scares that have happened
in the past year or so. This wasn't a problem years ago because they
used to cure their meat with salt in a smoke house. My grandfather 
even had one. Salt will kill almost any bacteria-virus that it comes 
in contact with. 

   Something else to think about. When the E-coli is in the right
medium to produce these viruses it doesn't die it just keeps on 
producing. Kinda like a mother having childern or a virus factory. 
Not only that it keeps on  multiplying. Now they use chemo and other 
things to try and control the viruses that it produces but they never 
use antobotics to get rid of the virus factorys.

Take Care 


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