Charles L. Church wrote:
> Hi Debbie,
> GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
> grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
> yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
> fog.... such as myself.
Oh, I have not listened to the excitotoxin url yet. I will tomorrow, my
computer is not set up to hear it:(. I have aspartame poisoning, I guess you
could say it ruined most of my adult life and continues , I guess. I will like
to hear this. Do you think that die off too can cause brain fog? You know some
say that coke(and others?) is putting aspartame in some products and not
labeling it as such, too small an amount or calling it flavoring I think is the
way they are getting around it. They said when Coke was called and asked point
blank, they would not answer the question.  Since I have regressed so much in
the last two months, I will see if CS will help me.  Deb 

     Debbie McDonald

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