Hi Debbie,

GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
fog.... such as myself. One list subscriber recently posted an excellent
link to a page about excitotoxins, which are toxins which excite never
cells, (i.e., primarily brain cells) to DEATH. Aspartame, "Nurti-sweet"
is the prime culprit. But there are a great many of them, and they are
allowed to be labeled under nearly any description, such as "natural
flavors"! Watch what you eat! Anyway I thoguht to ask this question,
which is probably erroneous, but I thought I would see what people on
the list may think..... Is. GSE an excitotoxin, seeing as it has this
peculiar effect in so many people?


Debbie McDonald wrote:

> >
> > >Could I suggest the unthinkable as a POSSIBILITY? Not saying it is
> > >true.... just a mere thought....
> > >
> > >Could G.S.E.  actually BE an excitotoxin seeing as it causes the
> brain
> > >fog?
>   I missed something here, please fill me in on the thread that says
> that GSE
> causes brain fog.  Deb
> --
>      Debbie McDonald
>  mailto:lullw...@flash.net
> --
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