Dean Woodward wrote:
> I tried the "milk test" as well, and my results were exactly the same as
> yours. My CS tested 15ppm on the Hanna WP-1, and I used one teaspoon in a
> half gallon of milk. Perhaps this is simply too little silver, or too much
> milk.
> Dean

Hi all,

I'm the person who did the original milk test. The big difference I
think is in the concentration. I used two double shot glasses ( of the
liquor variety ) filled with milk. To one glass, I added one eyedropper
of CS. My results were completely unambiguous. The untreated milk was
thickly curdled after ~36 hours while the CS treated milk was still
thin, had no odor, and was happily consumed by the cat. I leave it to
you to do the calculations on diluting 1 teaspoon of 15ppm CS with a
half gallon of milk. I believe it would be far, far too dilute to have
any biological effect.  Remember that at the microscopic level the CS is
being taken up and bound by the bacteria so if there isn't enough CS to
keep the pathogenic bug population below some threshold then you are
going to get spoilage. Just a gut feel but if you're going to test with
volumes on the order of a half gallon then I would start by trying maybe
an ounce or two of CS and going from there. An interesting approach
might be to heavily dose the milk to the point where no spoilage
occurred in a particular "normally spoiling" time. Then cut the dose in
half and try again. By doing this iteratively and maintaining a
reasonable test protocol, same temp, same light, same ppm, etc, it seems
to me that a fairly precise volume of a fixed ppm CS could be determined
for a fixed volume of milk for a fixed time. A measurement conversion
handbook might be helpful in calculating the dilution factors, e.g. how
many teaspoons in a half gallon. The next step is a big leap, but this
might be a starting place for discussion on the volume and ppm CS that
might be needed to place a biologically effective dose into a particular
volume of blood. Anyway, food for thought. Please post the results of
any experiments. Time permitting, I'll press on in the same vein myself.

Regards and luck to all.


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