Clear is small (< 5 nm) particles, golden is larger, (around 10 - 20 nm)
particles, rose is much larger particles, and the black on the bottom would
be settling out because the particles got too large.

Out of interest you might check the ph of both, and see if you left it in
bright ligh.


Tom Trauberman wrote:

>   The basic recipe I use to make CS is 4-9  volt batteries snapped
> together . I use hot water with a drop of honey added. Done this way it
> takes about 30 to 45 minutes to get a nice golden color CS.  I decided
> to try making a batch without the honey with the following results. For
> the same time period I produced a clear CS with heavy treeing which
> never happens with the honey ( the treeing ). The next day it turned
> golden and by the end of the day it was rose colored. The day following
> it was clear again with a layer of black fallout at the bottom. The CS I
> make with the honey always stays golden and never changes color. Would
> someone please explain what the ---?
>   Tom
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