Hi., Gail, I think I have been confusing homozon with Fiberzon, the cleanse my kids have been trying to get me to go for. I wasn't aware that Homozon involves ozone. I guess I am still a little afraid . For one thing, I do not tolerate citrus fruits at all, due to the pain under my upper ribcage.

You do not need to take the lemon juice (I prefer the organic, raw apple cider vinegar, which works just as well) in order to get the laxative benefits of the homozon, due to its very high magnesium content.

Also, you only need to take a very little - even a few drops would be enough to release the ozone. Just make sure you take it on an empty stomach.

I know that the raw apple cider vinegar may be scary, but it truly has worked miracles for many people with very big digestive problems, so I think it is worth a try, in spite of the fact that you said you react so badly to citrus fruits.

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