Thanks Terri. I am definitely recommending Frankincense for the tumors.  I will 
get a couple of bottles for me too since the location where Frankincense is 
endemic is being demolished, and it looks like there will be none available on 
the planet soon.  

Since all the medicinal grade oils have some antimicrobial properties I asked 
what he has on hand before I recommend he buy more.  What ones would you 

I know he has some Swiss Aromatics.  He has a retail store near him that sells 
them, I am comfortable with that brand as far as true medicinal quality goes.  
Are you?  They are a little more expensive than Young Living and you have to 
find a retail store that sell them since they do not go through distributors, 
like us.  They do not have as many oils or any blends like Young Living has.  I 
know it has been suggested (and by health practitioners) that he use other 
therapeutic grade or aromatherapy oils but he understands that you don't just 
walk into a health food store and find medicinal grade oils no matter what the 
label says and that it costs to you use medicinal grade oils.  Do you have any 
experience using oils for systemic fungal infections?  I look forward to 
hearing what you suggest.  

Thanks Teri.  Good to talk to you.  ~Norine

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT
Young Living Oil Distributor #616021

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Teri Johnston 
  To: Norine Twaddell 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 10:09 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Valley Fever

  Hi Norine,

    10 ppm drinking water?  Does anyone not suggested straight drinking water? 

  Straight drinking water is what I would suggest.

    Do you know of any contraindications with the CS?

  Not that I know of.

    Do you have any other suggestions?

  Which oils are you recommending? 

  Teri Johnston
  Fireside Welsh Springer Spaniels
  Young Living Essential Oil
  Distributor #935975
  Natures Pharmacy