In a message dated 6/25/2007 12:40:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

or  go to a hardware store and get a gallon of muriatic acid for a couple 
dollars.   A teaspoon in 16 Oz. water should work. 

Muriatic acid sounds like a winner. I bought 500 ml of 10% Hcl from Spectrum 
Chemical Co. several years ago. Cost like $40 but hazardous shipping was $85. 
I use 8 drops with each meal. I am trying to stop using Prilosec so I use the 
Hcl drops plus Betain Hcl + apple cider vinegar/or 1/2 lemon. It seems to help 
stop heartburn, but when it doesn't I use Pepcid complete.
I finally remembered to order Folic acid powder from Beyond a Century. Thanks 
Chuck. To take 30mg per day to reduce uric acid level to 2-4 takes like 38 
800ug tablets. The container says 1/4 teaspoon of powder eqals 50mg, so I use 
1/8 teaspoon. How can I know without a bloodtest if my uric acid level drops 
from like 8 to 3? Other than more kidney stones. I also am taking B-12 drops as 
high uric acid and Prilosec both point to a B-12 deficiency.

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