Hi...I've had a call from a dog owner in CA looking for help with a 12 yr old 
mix that contracted Valley Fever.  I had never heard of it.  It is an airborne 
systemic fungal disease from desert spores that wreaks havoc on the dog.  

The person is seeing a homeopathic health professional.  I am not taking on 
responsibility for this but I can offer what I would do in addition.  I am 
suggesting CS drinking water and some medicinal grade essential oils that are 
antimicrobial and one for tumor reduction (two tumors in the brain).

The dog still has quality of life he just wants to increase the quality and 
whatever else happens great. 

10 ppm drinking water?  Does anyone not suggested straight drinking water?
Do you know of any contraindications with the CS?
Do you have any other suggestions?

Much appreciated.   ~Norine

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT
Ringwood, NJ / NYC Metro area