Dianne France wrote:
Hello all,
We are new to the group and cs but have a question I was hoping someone could answer. My husband and I have just recently been introduced to cs and have ordered a generator (silverpuppy) to make our own. We also have started with a natural doctor and have started a heavy metal detox. Will this detox effect or contradict benefits of taking cs during this period of detoxing? The doctor said it could take months to a year to completely detox if that is even possible. Dianne

Hi Dianne [grin], and Welcome...

I've been using only the SilverPuppy since I started making CS on my own about 7 years ago. I've never had even one problem with it and I keep it running every single day. Ode, who makes it, is a long-time resident of this group. As far as I know, and assuming I haven't missed anything on this list over the years that I've been here, the answer to your question is 'no'. There are no contraindications, and it won't conflict with anything. If I'm incorrect about that, I'm absolutely POSITIVE someone will correct me [grin]. I hope this helps. Nice to have you on board.

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