Thanks everyone for your replies.  Marshall sent me a private reply that 
answered my question directly.  
It was helpful to me so I thought I would share it:

Marshall wrote:
I believe that mercury levels in the blood are an indicate of 
present mercury intake (or spike when doing chelation).  If it was 
circulating in the blood all the time, it would be expelled. However 
mercury tends to bind in the tissues, and brain especially.  I would 
expect that this bound mercury level would be unchanged.

Of course when I read Marshall's reply it made perfect sense like I should have 
known that.

I know I have high mercury levels too.  As I child I collected the mercury from 
thermometers and played with it.   I still have it but I don't play with it 
anymore.  If the list doesn't mind,  I like to move to how to remove mercury 
from tissues.  

What do you do to pull mercury out of your tissues and how careful do you have 
to be not to get sick from the process?

I have looked into this before.  I can't find the my notes.   
I remember the following 3 things coming up:
1. Chelation
2. A liquid mineral remover from a company something like Don's Back.   That 
company was sold to a company with something like Rockland in the name.  This 
is from memory, sorry and I've no luck with searching.  Who else might know 
this info but this list.
3. Mention of anecytel cystine in liquid kelp.

I see Dee mentioned Chlorella.  Is that for removal from the tissues?

Any thoughts or direction greatly appreciated.  ~Norine

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT
