--On 11 September 2007 07:42:49 -0400 Simon Jester <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

A plethora of epidemics has arisen due to interference with our food,
our bodies. That's the background. ONe of those is lack of fresh food
and the production of re-synthesised food. That includes Vitamin C

Ok, so now you're saying that Vitamin C is a contributing factor in the
plethora of epidemics we are experiencing?

Come on John...

I'm saying epidemics have arisen due to changes in our food processing and in the interferences with our bodies from environmental poisons and medicines etc.
synthetic foods include vitamin C.

People take Vitamin C in the belief it is all-good and we 'need it'. But it is there in fresh food, which should come first, because it contains other things apart from vitamin C. which you also need. Trying to regulate the body with a mind towards this supplement and that supplement is partial, for lack of knowledge and prone to fads.

One of the reasons people take vitamin c is because it's also suggested for colds, yet for many perhaps all is needed is fresh air - like opening the window, turning down the gas heating and wearing a shawl. Winter colds are brought on by heat in offices, and it is the artificial heat which starts the cold and the flu infections. It's known in tropical lands that because in such conditions we cannot easily and quickly regulate heat, particularly in the head, which must stay cool, that body fluids are expelled though the sinuses to eject heat. But this is immediate and temporary, if the conditions aren't changed (the air) the problem becomes chronic.


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