Could You Please list the recipe?
Debb Bos
S.Surrey BC Canada
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: zoe w 
  To: Shelli 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 6:49 PM
  Subject: Re[2]: CS>Re: cs & eye infections - Eyebright By Herb Doc.

  If anyone wants the formula  to make your own  Eyebright tincture   I have 
it.    The only change I made was to use the base of CS  instead of distilled 
water.    Ive been using this for some time  and can tell you it works almost 
miracles.  Glaucoma is a thing of the past,  so are floaters  and cataracts.


       I missed what you are using. Is it a specific product? I would LOVE to 
get rid of my floaters! How long did it take for them to go away?


        Simon Jester wrote: 

        Hi Sandee, 

        Thanks for this information Simon - I have sent for a bottle to try it. 

        You're welcome... 

        Just remember - it has cayenne in it, so it will sting a bit. Some 
people can stand it better than others. The easiest thing to do is just plan on 
needing anywhere from 5-15 minutes (per eye, if you do them separately - I do 
them together). Just wash them, then hold them shut tight for a few minutes, 
then slowly try to open them (it is when you open them after the wash that they 
burn like crazy) - keep doing this until you can open them without feeling like 
they're gonna catch fire... 

        I do add extra cayenne tincture (usually about 20-30 drops of Dr 
Schulzes tincture to a bottle of the eyebright), so mine burns a bit more. 

        I wash my eyes with EIS and know that it works however I have 

        cataracts so would like to see how this one works for them. 

        An awesome 'side-effect' is getting rid of the floaters (I had a bunch, 
and now have none). Those things drove me crazy... 

        Will let you know how it works for me after a little while 

        I look forward to hearing how it works for you... 


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