Regardless of unproven "bullshit", Does any transport person have the right to be a disease carrier?

YES, Ode, I have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to live my life free from being assaulted with a deadly weapon by you just because you have some undefined, unproven FEAR that something that I might or might not be carrying might or might not be dangerous to you.

You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

Yep - thats what I'm saying. If you believe it does, then you have fallen for their FUD.

Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful to some people for different reasons, may be questionable,

Nope... not questionable. NONE of them work, and they are ALL harmful.


but the whole field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven success with centuries of experience to back it up.

Yep - you've fallen for their lies/FUD.

And as for the rest, fyi - wikipedia is nice as a BEGINNING reference for researching things - but just because something is in wikipedia doesn't make it true.

Some of those links refer NOT to modern 'vaccines', but a process similar to homeopathy, and may indeed have been beneficial to an extent... but it bears ZERO resemblance to the modern day nightmare that is 'vaccines'.

Pasteur was a fraud - read up on Antoine Bechamp...

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