On 10/27/2007, Clayton Family (clay...@skypoint.com) wrote:
All of our farm crops are historically NOT GE ( as is currently practiced), if you examine them you will not find any ecoli inserted into the genes, or toxic chemicals either.

The problem is, if/when your neighbor starts implementing these
frankencrops, they WILL spill over into yours - no way around it. And
then you will be SUED for 'using' their patented frankencrops without
paying their licensing fees.

It (the entire concept of allowing the PATENTING of
foods/seeds/crops/living things) is an evil abomination that must be
stopped, because that could very well lead to the total annhihilation of
mankind as we know it.

And no, Ode, this is not to say that I am against any and all forms of
experimentation with genetics - but it should be done slowly, in a
COMPLETELY controlled environment, with PUBLIC oversight AND WITH FULL
DISCLOSURE (ie, no secrets) until EVERY aspect of the processes AND

And absolutely, positively NO PATENTS ALLOWED.

Anything else is madness.

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