I do not agree at all.     I do not demand that others treat me exactly the way 
I need to be treated in order for me to feel good about myself.  This places 
quite a burden on friends, neighbors and  the entire world, and it does not 
require me to make any effort at all to understand where other people are 
coming from.  

To insist that all others dance in attendance to my emotional wants and needs 
places a HUGE demand on the rest of the world.    To automatically assume that 
the other person sees me as dumb is a  construct of my own thinking  designed 
to keep my demands in place and up front.    Nobody lives between my ears but 
me.  I'm in there all by myself so I cannot blame other people for what emerges 
from my own thinking..  

I may not always agree with what the other person has to say and I may not even 
like  what the other person has to say,  but I'd damned well better love their 
RIGHT to say it because I cannot muzzle the next guy without muzzling myself at 
the same time.

We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we give it.

Faith G

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dee 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:22 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Simon aka Charles is gone...

        I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it is 
surely a positive thing to make people feel good rather than the opposite, no 
matter how clever one may think one is, or how dumb one may think the other 
person is!   Dee 

        -------Original Message-------

        From: marmar...@bellsouth.net
        Date: 07/11/2007 17:43:08
        To: silver-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: CS>Simon aka Charles is gone...

        **** Boy -- I've got to respectfully disagree with this Mike.  And 
pardon me for speaking out --I've been sitting on my hands thinking that I 
should be the one to be silent now.  But that's what's wrong with our world -- 
the ones who object remain silent.  The measure of any group of people in 
society -- cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least of 
that society.  If it is required of polite people to become thick-skinned and 
tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses because as we become that way we 
also become insensitive to our own behavior towards others.  Isn't that a 
slippery slope?