There is no more "too hot" coffee sold at McDonalds.  

When an elderly woman endured intense physical pain which resulted in personal 
disfigurement that required corrective surgery after spilling a scalding hot 
beverage in her lap at McDonald's drive up window, the authorities finally woke 
up and decided it was not such a bright idea to serve scalding hot beverages to 
people in moving vehicles..  Coffee temperature is now reduced and regulated by 
law at McDonalds and probably all drive up windows.

I tend to appreciate many of the public safety rules.  It didn't happen to me 
but that does not stop me from deeply sympathizing with the woman to whom it 
did happen.

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paula Perry 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 7:20 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

  I think the most valid reason for what you call the "nanny state" is NOT to 
protect consumers. It's government and corporate interest merger. Government 
agencies, especially of late, work primarily to protect industry profits and 
monopolies. Lawyers and suing are just part of a little side show. It has 
gotten tougher and tougher to beat big insurance and big pharma racket. Sure 
take the wrong leg off during an operation you are likely to collect something 
if you live long enough. Might be better to have the leg. A lot of new 
legislation is now in force that protects pharma and places limits on what 
people can collect for damages. Most people damaged by pharma drugs and 
surgeries and infections related to hospitals don't collect a dime. Behind that 
anti lawyer spin are a lot of big insurance and big pharma talking heads. How 
many people have collected damages for too hot of coffee since that one case 
was fully exploited by the corporate controlled media? Probably none. 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: faith gagne 
    Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:57 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

    People are so used to NOT taking responsibility for themselves and the 
Nanny government doesn't help.  This started when all the danged lawyers 
started suing for stupid stuff, like the lady and the McDonald's coffee. Come 
on now, how much common sense does it take to know that coffee is hot, and you 
need to be careful with it? 


    Liz:  The woman was elderly and was badly injured.   Accidents happen.

    Faith G.