Stuffing an 8year old's mouth with bentonite soaked paper towels for 30 minute 
intervals and not swallowing peroxide rinses is going to be challenging. He has 
no pain after taking a homeopathic remedy days ago but I see no resolvement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shiona Phillips <>
Sent: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: CS>Exceptions wrote: 

> It is an abcess probably from the cavity. He has been tested for 
> appropriate filling material which is the most inert one and has no 
> problems in other teeth. He gagged and vomitted after the oil pulling 
> attempt. 



You could consider using Bentonite clay.  Here's a testimonial from the 
website owner of "Eytons Earth".  The following link takes you to a 
discussion on the subject. 


I'd like to share a very recent experience with the treatment of a mouth 
infection, which was secondary to a small injury. 

After injuring a tooth ( blunt trauma ), the individual developed an 
abscess, complete with significant pain and swelling, including swelling 
of the lymph nodes below the jaw. 

These types of infections can very often resist antibiotic treatment, 
and silver/H2O2 often fail to adress the condition as well. 

White paper towels were used ( torn up ), and then saturated with 
colloidal bentonite, hydrated with 1/2 isolated colloidal silver, and 
1/2 high PH water. The process of preperation was very similiar to 
making paper mache. 

A strip of the "dressing", having been saturated with the clay magma, is 
then packed in the mouth, so that the treatment area is completely 
covered. Using something such as a paper towel makes the dressing very 
"maleable" to conform to any surface. 

The clay compress was left on for 30 minutes per treatment. This needs 
to be continued UNTIL the wound begins to irrigate. Upon removal of the 
dressing, one should see blood on the dressing. 

Although an increase in pain may be felt ( and in this case, was felt ), 
continued treatment has always lead to rapid cessation of the pain. 
After three thirty minute treatments, the pain was vastly reduced. 

After the abcess began to drain, isolated silver, mixed with a small 
amount of H2O2, was used ( but not swallowed ). .. This mixture should 
be held in mouth for as long as possible. Only a small amount of H2O2 is 
needed; five drops of 3% per two ounces ( I have utilized as much as 4 
drops of 35% H2O2 per 4 ounces of silver ). 

This treatment can be safely done as often as needed. 

The abscess cleared within 36 hours. 

Care must be taken, however; sometimes an infection reaches the jaw 
bone. Such a treatment is not a replacement for proper medical diagnosis. 

If the infection has reached deep into the bone, prolonged treatment 
with clay must be conducted, even when the pain has completely left. In 
some situations, H2o2/silver should be used in both ears. 

I cannot say why the h2o2/silver treatment in the ear has proven to be 
valueable with severe mouth infections; I can only document that it has, 
on at least 3 occassions, proven advantageous. 


~ Jason 


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