> From: Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Exceptions
> I wonder what accounts for the millions of skeletal
> remains wherein they had all their teeth when they
> were found.    Certainly, they didn't go to their
> village "dentists" for oral hygiene checkups and
> routine xrays. 
>Hi Carol Ann,

No, I'm sure they probably didn't, but I would be
willing to bet lifestyle also played a big part in the
equation.  I seriously doubt they had access to coke
and sweets that we do today.  Diet would certainly 
play into it as well as personal hygiene? 

I will often watch trible life on tv and am most
curious about their eating habits.  Very primitive,
etc.  No, sweets other than wild honey for them. 
Also, no soda pop.  They eat whatever they can forge
or hunt.  Have often wondered how healthy they are as
it appears they seem to be quite healthy.  Still they
so often have bad teeth.

I think of my own grandparents who were hillbillies. 
Very healthy till the end of their life, but had bad
teeth.  Lifestyle was garndening, working hard but ate
quite a bit of fat and don't forget the moonshine
along with  chewing tobacco.  Healthy bodies but bad
teeth. <chuckle>  Don't think they frequented the
dentist or the doctor much.  I remember my dad
mentioning how it only cost a dollor (can't remember
the exact figure he used, but it was very
inexpensive)to see the doctor in those days but that
nobody had even a dollor to go. 

So when I put this altogether, I think fresh grown
food is always the best along with some hard work.  I
would even bet some alcohol is beneficial to a point,
but that chewing tabacco is parbably something one
shoud avoid at all cost. lol

btw, my dad lost his teeth to gum disease quite young.
 I still think regular dental cleanings are


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