I'm sending this a second time since it never showed up in my email, hope you 
don't get it twice.

I was stunned to hear from my doctor's office today that I'm very
subnormal in vitamin D (B12 was normal).  My level was 14 and Dr.
Mercola site says no one should ever be below 32.  This could explain
my muscle and bone pain.  If I'm deficient, I bet many of you are,
too.  I walk my dog several times a day, but my arms are all that are
exposed to the sun (and not even that when it's cold).  The doctor
recommends 1,000 IU twice a day of vitamin D, plus she told me to get
400 mcg biotin for skin and nails and a good multivitamin and fish oil
2 to 4 gms per day.  The only things I've taken every single day are
magnesium, iodine, and DHEA.  Sometimes I take buffered vitamin C,
calcium, curcumin, niacin,  multivitamin, E, selenium, glucosamine
& condroitin, MSM, bromelain and a few others. Vitamin D deficiency
can lead to many problems such as autoimmune disease and cancer.

Linus Pauling Institute 
      The Linus Pauling Institute recommends that generally healthy 
        adults take a multivitamin supplement that supplies 400 IU (10 mcg) of 
        vitamin D daily. Additionally, at least 10-15 minutes of sun exposure 
        on the arms and legs or face and arms at least three times weekly 
        11:00 am and 2:00 pm during the spring, summer, and fall may help 
        of temperate latitudes (much of the U.S.) avoid vitamin D deficiency at 
        the end of winter.

      Older adults (65 years and older) and people with 
        minimal sun exposure 

      In addition to the 400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D provided 
        by a multivitamin supplement, people over the age of 65 and people who 
        get minimal sun exposure throughout the year should take an additional 
        vitamin D supplement of 400 IU/day (10 mcg/day) to provide a total of 
        800 IU/day (20 mcg/day).

Problems with too much vitamin D can be as severe as with too little, so get 
the simple blood test before supplementing.

I should have listened to Wayne!!


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