One can overdose on both A and D if taking too much of them.

Marshall wrote:
I would like to know from anyone can one overdose on  vitamin D pills?

    -------------- Original message from <>:

    > I found one I like too, the sun. I try and get as much exposure
    as I can.
    > Kurt
    > ---- Clayton Family wrote:
    > > Dear List,
    > >
    > > I have been musing for some time over the role of Vitamin D in
    > > processing toxins. I have come to the conclusion that adequate
    > > of D are required to excrete toxins, by my experiments with it
    over the
    > > last few months. It is now known that D deficiency is a risk
    factor for
    > > many diseases, and this includes cancer. Since cancer seems to
    be from
    > > poisons and toxins of various sorts, it perhaps goes along
    with certain
    > > detox systems being impaired from a genetic standpoint, which
    > > predis! pose so me people to cancer.
    > >
    > > I have been detoxing faster since finding a D supplement I
    > > and taking a sufficient amount of it.
    > >
    > > kathryn
    > >
    > >
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