Evening G Murray,
>> at 11:00 PM 2/19/2008, you wrote:

Leslie, what do you believe that lemon juice does to the body?

Likely many things. seems I read near 50 years ago, Lemons alone prevent 22 different diseases.

Guess what ? They did exactly that. Prevented all 22 just like the article stated. ( and maybe 22 more )

I have used lemon juice intensely for a 3 month period
I do not believe for a moment that there is  any wrong with lemon juice.

 I have to agree.

It is one of the best alkalizers the body can take in. To alkalize the body is to prevent cancer.

  True, and 100 other benefits.

Over the years, if I run out of lemons, I go to the store right then and get more.

This past year was the first time I had any Mississippi grown lemons, fresh off the tree. Very good and very juicy.
Too bad I did not have more of them.



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