
Try using castor oil packs in conjunction with the CS treatments.

The castor oil packs will help heal the liver/gallbladder and soften up
the tissues so that circulation can get to the whole area.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: bob Larson [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
> ...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no 
> better than CS for my hep-C, and much more complicated and 
> vile.  i'm currently drinking almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd 
> month now and will stop at 4 mos... then go back on the MMS 
> for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll on the 
> body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
> i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV, 
> but have seen a bunch where CS has.  MMS has shown (from the 
> folks on lists i read) to be able to manage viral load but 
> not clear it... for that, CS is much more pleasant at least.
> i'm glad to have enough sodium chlorite flakes stashed to 
> last the remainder of my most optimistic lifespan estimate, 
> but would rather it still be mostly stashed at the end of the road.
> i have TT (Ag4O4) in the form of Silspa which seems to work 
> pretty much like CS when added to water 1 cc per liter (i 
> think that makes about 10ppm), and it doesn't cause fallout, 
> discoloration, or change a meter reading when added to CS.  
> i'm thinking about trying adding it to my CS for the last 
> month of this heavy CS experiment.  in fact, i'll start that today.
> cheers,
> bobL

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