At 01:00 AM 6/21/2008, you wrote:
It is just a pity to turn it all from email back to word and then back to
email - or is it?

 Who would do that and why ?

 I will put then in the same location as the others.

If someone else wants to put them in a special place, they can do that easily.

I wish you could leave the date on the messages, and group them by year, or maybe two years. ect.

The files should be 50 to 100 K, not 250 K or one meg.

But that is not etched in stone.

I am sure you have worked out you technique and method.
We would all do it a bit different.

I would export before editing, and certainly not paste, due to speed.

You can highlight a number of messages, and export them in one process. Very Fast. Not sure how many, but maybe several.

If I had the time and energy, I would write a program to do the whole smear, ( or most of it ) automatically.

I have done such things in the past.

Anyway you want to do it is OK with me.

Consider making several files. It would help people to make reference, by saying that is covered in 2005 or 2006.

