Dear Bernadette,  I am dismayed to hear you required surgery for the sinus 
condition.  EIS has demonstrated to be of excellent value among all our 
volunteers who encountered post-surgical conditions, such as you report. The 
most effective protocol turned out to be one involving the use of 10 ppm CS 
(95% by volume) and DMSO (5% by volume) administered (warmed to body 
temperature) every 3 to 4 hours...during the daylight hours. Care had to be 
taken in those cases exhibiting extra-sensitive epithelial tissue linings. 
In those cases every other administration substituted a weak saline solution 
in place of the CS X DMSO protocol which favorably resolved a majority of 
these  more challenging presentations. In some few cases the 
pain-sensitivity threshold was so quickly encountered and persisted to such 
a degree, that 1% (by volume) of 2% Lidocaine was included in the spray 
mix - which yielded favorable  results in all of those experimental cases 
due to the anaesthetic effect of the Lidocaine.  Your case presents an 
especially interesting one, to me, as I have "enjoyed" similar sinus 
challenges resulting from a continual sinus drainage, throughout a majority 
of my adult life. Quite serendipitously, I allowd one of our younger staff 
members to "goad" me into addressing this problem through an unusual (for 
me) type of address. To wit, a very simple system originally designed to 
treat chronic, non-responding, psychiatric presentations. The system is one 
well-known to list members as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The system 
I used was the one designed by Gary Craig not the more elaborate procedure 
designed by Dr. Callahan. Within 6 days of beginning the very simple regimen 
I achieved results one can only describe as spectacular. My sinuses are 
dry---day and night---for the first time in 50 years! Since I am not a 
believer in "NO-CAUSE" spontaneous remission I am left with no alternative 
but the beneficial effects of the EFT protocol. Additionally, being a 
chronic sufferer of insomina I tried it on that also with equally satisfying 
results. The demonstrated effectiveness of such a seemingly "scientifically 
junvenile" procedure has left me rather stupified - but convinced enough 
that we are now inaugurating a formal evaluation of the system.     I am not 
prescribing, or announcing that such a procedure will favorably resolve the 
root-cause of your current disorder but relating a personal experience. 
By-the-way, personal experience is the ONLY thing for which I allow 
dogmatism by another. My apologies for the accompanying diatribe but I offer 
it only as enforcement to my comments.    Be well, my best personal regards, 
Brooks.   --- 
 Dear Shirley,
  I will try, briefly, to give a quick summary of the protocol I used.  I 
employed the general suggestions given in Gary Craig's EFT Manual.  I used 
direct statements which included the brief identity of the affected 
part/condition.  I used the unmodified basic protocol  (all of it)  two or 
three times daily but being sure to have one of them the last thing before 
going to sleep at night.  I repeated the tapping procedure (together with 
the mantra) three times for each location  (using a minimum of seven tapes 
for each location---each time the procedure was employed.  I was "shocked" 
at the degree of relief...and the speed of the occurrence of the 
improvement - of my insomnia (three days for SIGNIFICANT improvement).  This 
condition had been manifest for the immediately past 10 years and NOTHING 
attempted yielded any measurable real correction, prior to applying this 
extraordinarily simplistic protocol.  I was even more impressed by the 
improvement  in my chronic sinus drainage - as no drug-based therapy had 
ever successfully addressed that issue.  I am not recommending EFT as a 
treatment for anything  - just relating my personal experience.  If it was a 
PLACEBO EFFECT, it was the most powerful of which I have ever heard.  Do 
understand, a majority of our staff are DEEPLY involved in the more 
CONVENTIONAL aspects of the mainstream scientific/medical paradigm than am 
I - consequently, a significant number consider "spontaneous correction" a 
more tenable explanation than assigning any credible effect to the EFT 
protocols.   Their intellectual predications are of no real moment to me 
however.  Personal experience displays the highest flag at least to me.  [ 
As a matter of record, few of them enjoy more extensive 
academic/professional qualifications than do I.]
 I hope these comments are of some value to you.  I must go now.
     My Best Regards and Good Wishes to You,  Brooks Bradley.

   This post addresses the recent inquiry relating to home-type   water 
filtering system. My comments are addressed to drinking-water quantities 
0NLY. We have, several times in past years, evaluated multiple units 
provided by OEMs.  A majority of all yielded acceptable results especially 
as regards solids and larger-particle (15 micron +) removal.  However, one 
unit stood out above all others.  It was manufactured by Doulton.  They are 
an older, established supplier of water filtration/disinfection  systems. 
Our staff was so impressed with our original evaluations that a majority of 
them now use one of the family-size units for home drinking water supplies. 
In fact, so do I have supplied the families of all three of my 
sons, with the same unit.  Some of the advantages of this system are:  It is 
very effective in controlling pathogens of all types;  provides a very 
acceptable level of toxicity control for many common chemical pollutants; 
provides excellent taste modification effects; the silver impregnated 
ceramic cartridge is easily cleaned and provides a very long life.  We have 
staff members using their original cartridges four years after purchase.
 The particular unit we use is CCP207 Super-Steryl.  It costs about $180.00 
American.  The replacement cartridge # is CS0700 and costs  about $30.00 
     We have no financial interest, whatsoever, in this firm.  I do not, as 
a general rule recommend products of one supplier over another but there is 
such a wide difference in effectivity in this case, I feel an exeption is in 
order. The pathogenic component control, alone, makes it a superior address 
to the  healthy drinking water problem.
 We evaluated units costing almost three times as much which revealed to be 
orders-of-magnitude less effective.
 I suggest interested parties Google for the Doulton website in order to 
gain more specific information.
     Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

 We have, over the immediately past 14 years, conducted over 15 separate 
experimental investigations/trials involving effects of the mineral spectrum 
upon domestic large-animals and human beings.  I have made summary comments 
relating to our results multiple times, on this list.  Since our archives 
are at present, unavailable, I will restate our general findings (repeated 
multiple times earlier).  NOTHING we evaluated equalled in degree or speed 
the effectiveness of granulated sea kelp.  There were measurable differences 
in degree but ALL were effective in the general sense.  I remind our 
members---yet again---that after the serum fraction and partial red-cell 
removal from human blood the remainder constituent is ESSENTIALLY
 SEA WATER. Kelp sequesters the entire mineral spectrum of the ocean and 
dutifully reflects it within the internal plant structure.  Bottom line: 
Supplementing (daily) with granulated kelp comes very close to 
BULLET-PROOFING all large animals (especially humans) against any known 
mineral deficiency caused by UNAVAILABILITY.  While it is true that some 
individuals present with biological proclivities which prevent them from 
properly assimilating/processing certain minerals under special conditions 
such circumstances are so rare as to be disregarded for general 
considerations of the topic at hand.
   I contend that it is CRIMINAL in nature and intent to allow the fiction 
to perpetuate - that varieties of segregated, percentage-balanced, specially 
compounded, synthetically manufactured or altered manipulated minerals are 
necessary for insuring proper human health.  However, an entire industry has 
arisen...and a result this regrettable condition continuing. 
We have been unable throughout the history of our researches involving 
mineral utilization in humans to be able to induce ANY FORM of ANY
 MINERAL deficiency (from among the ocean-borne spectrum) from among our 
experimental volunteer populations.  Additionally, we have been unable to 
isolate or define ANY mineral not present in sea water, to be CRITICAL to 
the maintenance of proper health in human beings.  Others may have 
encountered different results.  If so, we would be profoundly interested in 
knowing of them.
    Every member of our staff (and adult family members) include at least 
one heaping tablespoon of granulated marine kelp daily, among their 
 My apologies for this lengthy post.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. Harborne Research Foundation.

   P.S.  For those interested in conducting their own "experimental 
investigations" to easily/satisfactorily ingest a heaping tablespoon of 
granulated kelp, divide into three quantities and consume as follows:  take 
1 teaspoon of granulated lecithin (an emulsified phospholipid derived from 
soy)  place in the mouth and add a couple of teaspoons of water...swish 
lightly to mix well and add one teaspoon of granulated kelp and dilute with 
additional water until an acceptable mixture obtains.  Next, wash it all 
down with a glass of plain water.  This approach allows individuals having a 
pronounced gag reflex to easily swallow a mixture they would, otherwise, be 
unable to do.
 One very useful side benefit is the wonderful effect of lecithin, both as a 
splendid emulsifier and an outstanding source of assimilable phosphorous (an 
extremely important mineral difficult to obtain in adequate amounts in 
modern diets).  Lecithin also aids greatly in assisting removal of 
atherosclerotic deposits from the cardio-vascular system.
  Note:  I advise against attempting to swallow these amounts (especially a 
heaping tablespoon) of kelp - without mixing it with lecithin.  The main 
reason being that kelp is very hygroscopic and will absorb the water 
fraction so rapidly that a majority of persons will gag. Kelp will even 
initiate a demand on the moisture lining the epithelial tissue of the mouth. 
Mixed with lecithin the emulsified compound goes down beautifully and makes 
a MARVELOUS adjunct to protocols such as Mathias Rath's vitamin C based 
cardio-vascular health protocol. 

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