Dear Jim,

> I do remember talking to you about my design many years ago.  I was
> not sure if you remembered that.

It's back in there somewhere! <grin>

> Please resist the urge to go to 9 volts, bin there done that!  Spend
> your money on a 4.7 K ohm resistor instead of the current limit diode. 

I'm going to see how the diode is actually performing, first. Right now 
with a batch seeded with about 20% from the previous batch, it's up to 
130 microamps after only 4 hours... If it is anywhere near 270 uA by 
this evening I'll let it go 'til morning if necessary to confirm the 
current limit works or not.

I suppose I could also bend the cathodes slightly closer to the coin to 
increase the early current flow a little bit.

> Look at the third picture down.  That will show you how much of the
> negative lead is exposed.  The sleeve is 4 inches and the exposed
> negative silver electrode is about 2 inches.  You should see silver fuzz
> form there indicting that you have saturated the water with silver ions
> and the excess is electroplating on the negative electrode.

What I have is only about 1/4" of cathode sticking out past the sleeve, 
and it's set up to be about on a level with the center of the coin, one 
opposite each face.

> Also it is "mandatory" for the negative electrode to be made out of
> silver! I started with silver plated copper wire but got inconsistent
> results.  I know it should not matter what the negative wire is made out
> of, but testing both proved that silver was necessary.  I was trying to
> save money using copper, but a 7 inch piece of silver is only $5.  I
> will send you some silver wire if you like.

I still have some 12 gauge silver around, so thanks, I'm okay. I used 
copper for the anodes and haven't noticed any difficulties, but then I 
haven't analyzed things very closely, either.

What do you mean by "inconsistent results?"

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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