Dear Mike:

I make 5 gallons at a time using 3 volts and a 4.7 K ohm limiting resistor.
I see no reason to rush the process.  There is something magic at 3 volts.
All my testing pointed at 3 volts being the optimum.  Colloidal silver made
this way will store indefinitely.  I had one batch tested that was 6 months
old and it still tested the same as a fresh batch.

The electrode spacing should be as far apart as possible so that the current
path involves the maximum amount of water.  This reduces the need for
stirring.  I put the sleeve on the negative electrode so that the current
path would be longer!

I would expose more than just 1/4 inch of wire, and possibly add more
negative electrodes in a circle around the central positive electrode.

I still think a #12 silver wire would work better than the coin.  I sell one
or two extra electrodes a year to my customers, depending how much colloidal
silver they make, they do wear out.
Jim Meissner 

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