Thanks for correcting me Mike, but this is what I have understood from some
article I have read on an actual silver site.  (can't find it now of course)
 I.e.. That some bacteria are not single celled or some viruses either.  If
what you say is correct, how is that silver kills some but not others? 
Could it maybe be that they *don't* have an external lung (for want of a
better word?)  As for colds, I have found that if silver is used it cuts
down the time span of the cold, and lessens the symptoms.  It certainly gets
rid of sore throats almost immediately.  I have had great success even with 
flu in my family.  It cuts the 'poorly' time by more than half.  I suppose
if we knew the answer to this then we would have the answers to a lot more! 
-------Original Message-------
From: M. G. Devour
Date: 17/07/2008 12:03:49
Subject: Re: CS>How do I defend CS against this website?
Careful, Dee! <smile>
You write:
> Well no, it won't if the virus is multi celled.
Viruses, by definition, are not even one-celled. They are large
molecules of DNA or RNA, possibly with a protective coating of one sort
or another. They are *much* smaller and less complex than any actual
> Everyone should know that CS only kills single celled varieties of
> bacteria and viruses and no-one claims that it does that I know of.
Bacteria are *only* single celled organisms.
Now, if you want to talk about parasites, then at least some of them
will be multi-cellular!
> However, it is highly effective in treating these forms as everyone on
> this list knows.  Dee
It is effective on nearly all bacterial infections. That we know. It
seems to be effective on some viral infections at certain times -- for
example, it seems you can stop a cold with CS if you catch it early
enough. On the other hand, I can believe Scott's report of it not
wiping out an established infection. It may have in some cases, but
he's not alone.
CS may also be effective against some single celled pathogens besides
bacteria, like yeast or fungus, but, as I think you intended to say, it
is generally ineffective with more complex, multi-cellular organisms.
I hope that clears things up a little!
Be well,
Mike D.
> -------Original Message-------
> From:
> Date: 17/07/2008 05:58:41
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>How do I defend CS against this website?
>  I don't think CS can kill virus in vivo, at least I haven't seen any
> scientific studies that indicate that it can.  Beware of anyone who
> claims too much about CS. It is usually just testimony from a salesman
> that cannot be referenced to a scientific study.
> I hope this helps...
> Andy
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]
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