Simple answer, if one of your rods turns black, you are making colloidal
silver. How much and how fast is something else. The black is silver
oxide forming on the negative electrode. The faster the black forms the
faster you are generating colloidal silver. If one rod does not turn
black, you are not creating colloidal silver or you are doing so at a
very slow rate. A number of factors affect the rate at which you
generate colloidal silver. The primary ones are the voltage across the
rods, the spacing between the rods and the amount of colloidal silver
(or impurities) in the water. The more colloidal silver in the water,
the faster you generate additional colloidal silver. Because of this I
add some colloidal silver to the distilled water to speed up the
process. Some people add sea salt to do the same thing but I do not
recommend that. You could add salt to a test sample to determine whether
your generator is working (ie turning one rod black) and then discard
the test solution after the test.
If you started with pure distilled water and no colloidal silver added
to it, it can take a very long time to start generating colloidal
silver. You can under this condition, move the rods closer together,
about 1 and 1/2 inches apart. That will significantly speed up
generating colloidal silver but will generate a little larger silver
colloids. I have done this to get the procsess started and then moved
the rods farther apart (2 and 1/2 inches) after things are going well.
Then I save 1 or 2 ounces of colloidal silver to add to the next batch I
make as a starter.
I hope this helps.
 - Steve


From: Carrole Orme [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: CS>Silver rods

I tried the light through the container and got a faint beam
I am wondering if my silver rods are not putting out much silver 
Could this be possible?
I want to know what might be wrong with not getting as much CS
in my containers
In the beginning I seen particules and when I wiped the silver rods off
there was black stuff
Now I get hardly nothing
I would like stronger CS
Could anyone help me figure out what is going on with my CS and be able
to make stronger CS?
Thanks Carrole


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