Hi there Wayne, I like the heading, 'who is the scientist', sounds good doesn't it. Nothing like a good cheer up is there. <g> Dragged you out of the woodwork have I ?

Yep, I understand where you are coming from Wayne, and I'm certainly in no position to debate the issue of any interaction between iron or whatever else in the blood in combination with EICS but the point I was trying to make was that I have never read anywhere that states silver will accumulate in the body, be it skin tissue or organs, well not the stuff we use today that is. The product we ingest is expelled rapidly by our waist elimination systems, and yes I know, the skin also. This is the conviction I have based on research I have done. This is why I threw the invitaion out for anyone who may be in possession of alternative material to come forward with evidence to negate that statement. My personal view is that our silver will not produce any issue at all due to the bodies rapid elimination rate of silver. I must maintain the courage of my convictions despite any critisism which may be forthcoming, at least more facts will appear for others to peruse, and for me to learn from.

I stated to sol that my conviction is based on material I had researched but as you pointed out, and quite rightly so, I had not taken into consideration the health issues of any particular individual. I probably take my health for granted perhaps and may hold a different view sometime in the future, but then again that may never happen as I take a maintenance 'dose' every day and may just fall into a neverending 'sleep' one day in my lounge chair. <g> Hmmm.......nice thought though I must admit.

It seems to me that no matter how much one believes in CS there is always room for doubt to creep in, I won't work with doubts anymore, I only want to work with facts therefore I must stand up and be counted and state that I personally do not believe this to be the case, hence my invitation for additional information, I may learn something.

Your reply has made me aware that more research is called for on interactions with other substances in the blood, not medications, but other...??? which may have an affect when combined with silver. I'll have to wait till the inclination strikes me there though as I am all researched out. <g>

Enjoy your day, or night?...I'll never get the hang of this damn communication medium.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <cwa...@netdoor.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:45 PM
Subject: CS>Who is the Scientist

Morning Neville,

I know you thought I had died, but not yet.  <grin>

>>  Sunday, October 05, 2008 2:47 PM

You are beginning to sound like a scientist.

I'm tired of anecdotal hearsay which is why I made that
statement regarding my discontinueing with it so I am sticking with my researched material, will continue to take my daily 'dose', until proven otherwise,

  First, ........  Human nutrition is a relative new science.
Plant Scientists have been ahead for years, many years.

And of course the human body is far from being understood.

Many Scientists that have studied if for their whole life, say they still do not understand many things.

A large percent of the information you read relates to a body that is functioning correct, 100 % correct.

Anyone that fits this category, .............

     Stand up and Be counted !

No one will bother answering my question, ..........

"Are you talking about Sick People or Healthy People".

Ten thousand articles exist on many things, CS Included.

Can you find even TWO that agree ?

Many old ideas that 99.99 per cent of the people belive are not true.

For Example,

        Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) alone does not cure scurvy.

Another example,

  Many people have talked about Vitamin D and proper calcium metabolisms.

Of course it will not produce proper calcium metabolism.

I have stated, "Many people will never have proper calcium metabolism, no matter what they do".

If one thing is compromised, ( does not work right )
just how many other things suffer, 100, 1000, or 10,000 ?

Consider the parathyroid gland !

When body chemistry is impaired, intercellular communication is impaired, Then count how many things do not work right.
( better go get a truckload of "Essential Sugars" today )
This theory dates back to 1968

I am not saying everything you said is wrong, of course not.

Some of it appears a bit marginal, and does not apply to everyone, because their body chemistry is impaired.

What is the solution?   I think there is no solution.

Everyone tries.

The best solution is a lifetime of good habits and few bad habits.
With the decaying condition of the world today, I doubt that even this will work.

Anytime we say, we have a solution to the problems of the world and the problems of the human body, ...........

      "We are likely wrong"

Just the other side of the coin, ....... that is all.

Modern thinking Primitive logic


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