Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
A remarkable novel, "Earth Abides," is well worth anyone's time; most who have read it consider it a classic.

I mention this novel apropos the "blue moons" thread for one reason: one small part of the book suggests to me that this phenomenon may be related to natural melanin levels and fluctuations -- if there's any truth to the scene in the book. I remember all this quite clearly because I read the book when I was rather young, and puzzled over the scene for a long time, not figuring it out until years later.

The main character, Isherwood (Ish) Williams, marries a woman whom he believes to be "white," but whose ancestry included African-Americans. This fact she reveals with the statement (I quote from memory), "I guess you didn't notice the blue in the half-moons." The implication is that DNA inheritance of pigmentation can influence the color of this part of the fingernails.

If there's any truth to this, the color might fluctuate over time, whatever one's genetic inheritance, based on fluctuations in melanin level, which is the basis of skin pigmentation. If this speculation has any merit, questions about the influence of diet could be overstated or misdirected. Sun exposure or lack thereof could be a bigger factor.

Just a thought. . .

Interesting thought. I have puzzled over the fact that my fingernail moons are blue, yet my toenail moons are not. Sunlight may be a factor.


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