You totally missed my point, which was that anything can be argued to death, not whether something works or not!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dee" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>blue moons revisited

No I don't think it can be compared to religion Neville, because the benefits of EIS are absolutely provable. When my face swelled up like the elephant man in a matter of minutes, and swallowing EIS every ten minutes for two hours brought it completely down again, *that's* proof that it works! Add to this this the countless times that my dog has stopped eating and is laying around listlessly not moving, but after getting EIS into him every half hour for three or four hours, he is up and as right as rain. Now dogs cannot be fooled into thinking they are well, they just are, or are not. This is absolute proof to me that it works along with many, many other instances. And, by the way, I am one of the biggest sceptics there are, which is why I don't believe in any religion. dee

Neville wrote:
Sorry, but just as a point, EICS is in the same catagory to me as religion, consider all the arguements which abound with that subject! When it is all torn down it all comes to the same thing......belief, faith, blindly following, or..........conviction! See my point? There is nobody on this planet that can 'prove' one way or the other, it all comes down to the individual and what they believe from what they know themselves or have read! EICS is my best friend, (well second best after my wife that is) <g>



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